Being Authentic: Letting Your Light Shine Without Layers

When we’re not authentic, it’s like carrying layers and layers of extra skin. Every layer is a mask—a version of yourself that you feel you have to wear for the world. Each one represents an expectation placed on you by family, work, friends, society. And the more layers you wear, the heavier it gets. Now, imagine a beautiful candle. The wax, the jar—everything about it is glowing, radiant, and stunning.

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What We've All Been Waiting For

It's been exactly 2 weeks since I learned the Umana Technique. The person who walked into that class is not the same person that walked out that day.  It was easily the most wonderful and brilliant class I've experienced and I loved learning this amazing new technique. The class and the technique were better than I could have anticipated. I was hoping this new modality was going to be the next level of brilliant and it superseded my expectations. Because we, as a collective, have worked to overcome and heal our previous selves, because we are pleading with the universe for change, because we are showing that we are responsible and we are ready for more, the universe has responded with a new level of abilities and upgrades. It's here, everything we have waited for, is here now.  Umana gives us access to tools, skills, abilities and systems once only imagined. What does that actually mean or look like in a day-to-day existence? Firstly, in conjunction with the three platforms being introduced (bronze, silver and gold discs creating a platform over the quicksand representing the old world) coinciding with the Autumn Equinox (Spring Equinox in Northern hemisphere) on 20 March, followed by the full moon on 25 March, followed by the Solar Eclipse on 9 April (8 April in the Northen Hemisphere), we are being catapulted into a new evolutionary stage.  There has never been a time prior, where consciousness on mass could achieve such incredible new heights. This explains the significant number of souls incarnating on Earth currently, drawn by the unparalleled opportunities for spiritual evolution available within a single lifetime.

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Brighten Your Light To Light Up The World

We are coming to a crucial time in our evolution on this planet. Since the late 80's, new age spiritualists have been talking about this significant shift on the earth.  What does this mean and what does it look like?  Firstly, it's important to explain that we are not jumping from a 3-dimensional experience to a 5 dimensional one.  The earth shifted into a 4-dimensional energetic frequency quite some time ago, to be exact in August 1988. It's super obvious when you consider the huge focus towards polarity since the Harmonic Convergence in 1988.  Since then, every experience comes with two sides, there was no avoiding that.  The themes of polarity were palpable, it was in our speech, it was in our experiences, it was in our expectations, and it was coded in our auras. This has recently shifted again as we move beyond the themes and frequency of polarity, we are starting to see this shift, this movement towards complete emotional and mental freedom. Freedom has become the cause to die for, to fight for and to scream from the pavement.  Freedom is not aligned with polarity anymore; we have moved to a heart centered singular divine expression.

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Heavy Energy Sticks To You Like Tar.

As I craft the text for my blog, I infuse it with the energy of divine love, codes for ascension and the harmonious balance of divine masculine and divine feminine energies, invoking spiritual protection and guidance for both myself and the readers. I invite the presence and assistance of Vywamus, Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Sanat Kumara, Lord Melchizedek, and Archangel Metatron to imbue this text with my intended purpose and to ensure that those who engage with it receive the encoded messages in a balanced and integrated manner for their highest good. With deep gratitude and love, I extend my thanks to these beautiful Divine Beings.

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Just Can't Shake This Crappy Feeling

I've felt pretty off the last couple of days. On Friday last week, I had a pretty huge day as I had to attend something that I didn't want to. Lately and especially prior to last Friday, I was feeling quite amazing. A couple of weeks ago I had the most amazing past life regression session and also received an 'Arbah' treatment (I'll explain and talk about that a little later, possibly next week).  The weeks post that session, I felt myself changing and growing rapidly and in the most positive way, I felt like I was walking on my best path.  On Thursday evening it all started to change. I had been told earlier in the week that I would not have to attend something (too personal to mention the details of). The matter had been resolved privately and I was immensely relieved that I could just keep moving forward. When I found out I did in fact have to appear in person, I just sunk, I had this awful feeling and I couldn't shake it.  I had to go somewhere where I knew there'd be a lot of dark energy, someone I don't want to see would be there and I'd have to be there for the whole day, waiting for a 5 minute procedural "meeting".  I didn't sleep well Thursday night, luckily I had attended a Pellowah attunement swap that evening, so I had a full body of light and I called in all the spiritual support I could summon. However, being there, in this horrid place, not far from someone who I don't want to see, it did something, it changed something, my whole mood felt sticky and heavy.  It's now Sunday afternoon and I've had a good weekend, all the ingredients are there for me to feel great, but I just don't. 

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