We are coming to a crucial time in our evolution on this planet. Since the late 80's, new age spiritualists have been talking about this significant shift on the earth. What does this mean and what does it look like? Firstly, it's important to explain that we are not jumping from a 3-dimensional experience to a 5 dimensional one. The earth shifted into a 4-dimensional energetic frequency quite some time ago, to be exact in August 1988. It's super obvious when you consider the huge focus towards polarity since the Harmonic Convergence in 1988. Since then, every experience comes with two sides, there was no avoiding that. The themes of polarity were palpable, it was in our speech, it was in our experiences, it was in our expectations, and it was coded in our auras. This has recently shifted again as we move beyond the themes and frequency of polarity, we are starting to see this shift, this movement towards complete emotional and mental freedom. Freedom has become the cause to die for, to fight for and to scream from the pavement. Freedom is not aligned with polarity anymore; we have moved to a heart centered singular divine expression.
People talk a lot about 3D and mostly they are referring to the experiences and expressions of those who are clinging onto a lower and denser frequency. What does that look like? Well, "The Wolf on Wall Street" represents that pretty well. Again, the seven sins also represent that pretty well. Right now, it is crucial that every human makes a decision as we near the cusp of incredible change on the planet. The earth is moving in a direction and that cannot be stopped or slowed down, she is shifting to a higher frequency and a new vibrational resonance. People won't be able to sustain a lower denser frequency and remain on the planet, it's not possible, they won't be able to endure the increasing radiation and light pulses. What happens to them? They leave this earth and they reincarnate on another earth kingdom, where the density is lower and harsher. Who would want that? Those who need to be in control of others and those who worship material objects and other humans. Worshipping anything can fall into the category of lower and dense energy. We are not meant to worship.
For those of us who choose to ascend onto a path of light, collaboration and love, we will mostly remain on the earth at this time. Some of us are nearing the completion of our purpose here, which has been for many of us, to expand and anchor light. That's been a bloody hard job. I have found it to be especially difficult living in a congested and major city. My preference has always been to live far away from cities and be somewhere more natural and where the beautiful earth energy is more balanced and abundant. It has been a constant routine of spiritual hygiene and extra layers to peel back in order to reveal and expand my light. What do I mean by this? The fast paced and extremely busy city life doesn't leave us much room for the stillness required to connect to the Divine or to expand our light and consciousness. In fact, life is so busy, we can forget why we are here or what we are really trying to accomplish (on a soul level). You don't have the natural beauty around you that inspires and reminds you of the Divine presence. You don't have the unmistakable rhythm from the earth that grounds you and connects you to her heart. Instead, you are compounding layer upon layer of thick heavy pollution and it takes a concerted effort to connect with Divinity and can sometimes feel like a distant and subtle echo only. I know and understand though that I am needed here and until I complete certain tasks I will have to remain in this dense concrete jungle. The first chance I get, I will move to somewhere more natural and beautiful where the energy of the environment lifts me up and not the other way around.
Part of the reason I create the guided spiritual meditations is because they help me in this very dense energy that I survive in. I don't create the meditations myself; they are all divinely guided. I work with a number of Cosmic Spiritual Teachers and Divine Beings (Spirit) and they guide me on what I need to focus on and the methods, technologies and energetic surgeries to include. I recently uploaded a new guided meditation which is a prelude to planetary grid and light work/service. You don't have to do the planetary service as the meditation is extremely powerful for your own journey, however, the amount of light that you will be able to hold will be incredibly valuable for the planetary work/service. It is crucial that whatever you receive, should always be shared with the earth and she then shares it with others.
If you'd like to engage with the meditation, please click on the video below. Please also let me know about your experience after you've listened to it. Very soon, I will be publishing the sequel to this meditation which will focus on expanding and anchoring light into specific locations on the planet.
I am very excited about a new healing modality I am in the inaugural class for next weekend. It is a new healing modality channeled by renowned Earth Spiritual Teacher, Kachina Ma'an. It is called Umana Technique and rather than a healing it is "evolutionary engineering", unlocking a new meridian system, gifts and talents. Last year, I was supposed to do a course on Past Life Regression and Arbah Technique, I was so excited and waited 3 months for the course. In the week leading up to the course, my son became extremely unwell with COVID and a few days later, I contracted it. It was our first time being unwell with COVID and we were extremely ill for many weeks. I was understandably disappointed, I had been so excited to learn both of these techniques, however I understood there was a reason that I did not yet understand and had to adjust my mood and go with the flow, knowing something else was intended for me. I maintain a philosophy of detaching from expectations and outcomes as I believe it is critical for ascension and development. At the time, I received persistent messages from Spirit about a "new healing modality". Whilst attending a Pellowah Share Night in November last year we were advised that Kachina is downloading a new healing modality and I realized that is what Spirit wanted me to focus on. I have learned to trust completely when there are obstacles or changes on a path, there is always a better outcome than I could possibly anticipate.

I mentioned to someone the other day that I was about to learn a new healing modality and they were surprised by this. They asked me if new modalities are happening outside of this and I said, "of course". Like Umana Technique, they are channeled from Source, the Universe and the Divine. New modalities represent the changes we are experiencing in our evolution, it's imperative that we align our practices with the upgrades and movement of our environment and within our fields. Some things from our past and our history are still valid and helpful, but not everything will be. The universe ascends all the time and we all continue to outgrow our skins. and shells. This leads me to my next point, about reviewing our spiritual techniques and practices. It is more evident than ever, that we must review our daily practices, it is not enough to fine tune a routine and then blindly continue with it indefinitely. Be aware that sometimes it needs to be modified daily to keep up with what is needed. Conscious application of spiritual hygiene and Divine connection are paramount to our health and growth. What do I mean by this? I need to play around with my morning routine, I can't just use the same practices to purify, ground and attune, those approaches no longer work. Every day I need to engage with the universe and ask for help, "what do I need today?" and they show me the way, a new method, simplified or completely different. I am extremely sensitive to energies and if I don't get my morning spiritual hygiene right then I can feel pretty awful for the whole day. I have to find new ways all the time to support my spiritual health and the changes/transformation my energetic field and bodies are going through.
This is the same with the healing you might seek out. If you haven't had a past life regression, I strongly suggest you try that at least once, it is incredibly powerful and important for moving swiftly along your path and removing blocks and obstacles. I don't offer that service as I missed the workshop to learn it, but there are many very talented practitioners around the globe. If you have been using the same alternative medicine modality for a long time and you are still suffering a chronic issue, wouldn't it be worth considering a different solution or complimentary option? If we keep doing the same things, how can we expect to grow. This is a very simple concept, but it should be a significant focus as we shift towards major changes on the planet and our bodies are managing unprecedented levels of change and energetic pulses (of light).
We also need to be fluid and dynamic with our intentions, we cannot become fixated on the how's and when's. We need to be in flow, which means literally taking your hands off the side of the river, lying back and feeling complete trust. Flow is easy to find, it's everything that isn't working out for you. When this happens, try the other option available or do the complete opposite to what you were doing before. Experiment, try different things. Take the approach of a scientist and make life an experiment, constantly evaluating what is working and what can be tweaked and changed. Don't ever settle into something and expect that it will remain. The strong theme at the moment is that we will continue to shed skins and grow rapidly, which means constant change and not holding on to anything. Most importantly learn the true concept of not having any attachments. Don't look on TikTok or Instagram for that, you will be confused beyond belief. Ask within for the answers, your Guides and your Team will happily show you.
I can't wait to update you on the new modality once I have completed the course this weekend. In the coming days I will also be preparing the guided meditation for the planetary grid/light work. Until then, I hope you all have a wonderful week and I thank you so much for joining me on this amazing journey and being part of my community.
Love and blessings,
Rachael xx
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