The awful heaviness that I mentioned in my last blog took a toll on me. The best way to explain is that it felt like third dimension energy and it affected my personality, my experiences and my world. It was pretty awful and I started to worry that maybe the 'Arbah' had stopped working, had I not followed a correct step and it stopped integrating (it's an ongoing process you must follow after a treatment)? I could not understand what was happening. but I also knew that the Arbah had worked, there was no way that was the issue.. so what was it?! I didn't feel myself and I felt quite angry. I was thinking in 3D, I felt 3D, it was heavy.. I mean heavy, like a weight and very dense.
I had promised myself that I would work on the Mahatma Tutorial and I always feel good when I am working on something meaningful. Lots of 'spiritual' books are often coded and they start a process of breaking up old dense energy and bringing in more light, ascension energies etc. I am at my desk, I had just seen an enormous huntsman spider in my living room, it's a hot Melbourne day, so the huge bugger has come in and he is so big I can hear his legs tapping on my furniture as he walks, so I am cringing at my desk but reading everything Brian Grattan. I am reading his book, articles, watching YouTube videos, preparing the information for my Mahatma Tutorials. If you don't know who Brian Grattan is, I highly recommend looking him up. I am not going to go into detail about Brian in my blog as I'll be mentioning lots about him and his work in my tutorials and ascension activator videos. I bring him up because it's important. The energy encoded in his work was starting to do it's magic and I was beginning to feel myself again and just as it reached the cusp of balancing out this dark energy that had to stuck to me, it suddenly became so apparent what was going on.
It's so simple, but unfortunately part of it's trick is that you don't have the same awareness and you just feel overwhelmed and confused. It would be too easy if you were aware and could then act on it, that wouldn't be effective as it is designed to keep you low. I have not experienced the density of third dimensional energy for a very long time, so strangely, I didn't recognize it and I honestly did not believe it could have any impact on me at all. But boy, was I wrong. Someone at the Pellowah share (where other Pellowah Level 3's share attunements on each other) had warned me the night before about protecting myself, when I told her where I was going the next day. But, this nasty energy starts before you get there, that's how it works, you think of it, a place, a person and it starts, you don't have to physically be somewhere for it to tap your energy.
A number of events began to ensure I wasn't adequately protected and kept me at this awful place for as long as possible. As I became increasingly enveloped in this negative energy, it acted like a magnet, attracting more negativity and exacerbating the situation. As I was reading an article written by Brian Grattan, there was a glimpse through the stickiness and the realization just popped like a cracker in my face. I had been pulled into 3D energy and I was covered in it. Yuk! I mean icky sticky yuk! But also, thank goodness, because I can do something about that. Firstly, awareness is crucial, that is very disarming for 3D and negative energy, secondly, you just keep reading, meditating, clearing and bringing in light and you can get rid of it pretty quickly. So, first things first, you make a decree, because everything is about permission and I absolutely do not give permission for crappy energy to be anywhere near me. I'll share a very simple decree with you below. I learned this decree when studying to be an Ascension Teacher at the Diana Cooper School of White Light. Feel free to use it, I have seen lights flicker when citing it, so I know it works.
Decree (Speak loudly and clearly):
"I now decree that only the highest, purest and divine white light may enter into this property, this room and my body and that everything that is of other than the highest divine light leave this property, this room and my body immediately now and stay out completely."
repeat 3 times
"So be it. It is done."
After the few days I had, I decided to do the above decree 2 times and I could feel my body tingling with delight during my second cycle. I could feel beautiful energy up and down my spine, which is in fact the chakra column, I could sense my light returning to my chakras and my entire energy matrix. I was then guided to request an axiatonal alignment and spiritual integration to support my bodies (the four body system - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) to reset with my signature resonance after such a big hit from the 3D sticky stuff. The concept I just mentioned is credited to Dr. Joshua David Stone and his book, The Complete Ascension Manual. Whenever you need to integrate your energy, whether it be after a huge clearing, a significant healing, a download of light codes or keys etc. or maybe even a significant increase in light or advancements, I highly recommend practicing this method, it will complete the process and ensure that energies are integrated and working at their highest potential and capability, as well as sealing them in. I have included excerpts from Dr Joshua David Stone's book below for the best method to invoke an axiatonal alignment:
"I call forth for an axiatonal alignment and a spiritual integration and alignment".
This will properly align your personal self with the cosmic energies.
Stone, Joshua David. The Complete Ascension Manual: How to Achieve Ascension in This Lifetime (p. 57). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.
"I now call forth a full axiatonal alignment as described in The Keys of Enoch to perfectly align all my meridian flows within my consciousness and four-body system! I Am that I Am. Aum!"
Stone, Joshua David. The Complete Ascension Manual: How to Achieve Ascension in This Lifetime (p. 386). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Do I feel better? Youbetya. I am feeling much more like myself. Gosh I have a few people to apologize to, that was not fun. Good news, I feel pretty damn good and I know I experienced that for a reason. I love to share tools to help you be the amazing beautiful light shining brightly, that you are! So please try it and let me know how you feel after using these tools. For me, I feel my whole body tingling with delight, my light is purified. The term is known as "washing the diamond clean" and I feel clean!

It's been a couple of hours since last writing my blog and as my light and energy relaxed and centered, my channel began to open again and I received some guidance on my experience and why it occurred. It was intentional that I was to attend that awful dark place last Friday, I was there to anchor light. I was kept there for as long as possible and now it all makes sense, but it was for good reason and I am happy to be of service. I was warned that I would need to protect myself and I should have spent more time after I left there to purify and cleanse myself. The heaviness I felt the last few days was something I had to go through so that I never forget the processes I need to undertake in the future as I am being instructed there will be more of this to come.
I am also being shown that this relates to the constant flow of messages about Florida, originally and then Brazil and Colombia. In that exact order I need to implement an anchoring of light. It's reminiscent of planetary grid work, yet I'm urged not to dwell on the terminology or the preconceived notions it may evoke. Instead, my focus is to remain on the directive to anchor light in these designated areas.
I'll need to delve deeper into their guidance on implementation, yet my initial inclination is to craft a meditation. This way, others can join in, amplifying the power and reach of the anchored light with each additional participant. The prospect excites me; it aligns perfectly with what I cherish most. Today, a few puzzles fell into place. While I'd glimpsed breadcrumbs hinting at this direction, I hadn't paused, quieted my mind, and truly opened myself to receive the complete messages and grasp their interconnectedness. Let me emphasize: I'm not suggesting Brazil or Colombia harbor dark energy needing to be balanced by light. That's not the insight I'm receiving. Light anchoring, whether through rays or energy, serves many intricate purposes. Sometimes, we're privy to the specifics; other times, we're simply called to action, trusting in the wisdom of the guidance. That's my perspective, at least. Understanding the intricacies isn't paramount; what truly matters is our willingness to act, to ignite, to create change!
I'm busy putting together the Mahatma Tutorial, just like I promised. Thinking about the Mahatma brings a smile to my face. I'm really looking forward to sharing what it's all about, how it works, and the benefits it brings. It's going to be a lot of fun diving into the different ways to invoke its presence.
I hope you enjoyed reading my blog today. I certainly enjoyed writing it. Feel free to share or comment below, I'd love to hear from you. I hope you have a wonderful week filled with blessings and joy.
Thank you for joining me today.
Rachael xxx
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