I've felt pretty off the last couple of days. On Friday last week, I had a pretty huge day as I had to attend something that I didn't want to. Lately and especially prior to last Friday, I was feeling quite amazing. A couple of weeks ago I had the most amazing past life regression session and also received an 'Arbah' treatment (I'll explain and talk about that a little later, possibly next week). The weeks post that session, I felt myself changing and growing rapidly and in the most positive way, I felt like I was walking on my best path. On Thursday evening it all started to change. I had been told earlier in the week that I would not have to attend something (too personal to mention the details of). The matter had been resolved privately and I was immensely relieved that I could just keep moving forward. When I found out I did in fact have to appear in person, I just sunk, I had this awful feeling and I couldn't shake it. I had to go somewhere where I knew there'd be a lot of dark energy, someone I don't want to see would be there and I'd have to be there for the whole day, waiting for a 5 minute procedural "meeting". I didn't sleep well Thursday night, luckily I had attended a Pellowah attunement swap that evening, so I had a full body of light and I called in all the spiritual support I could summon. However, being there, in this horrid place, not far from someone who I don't want to see, it did something, it changed something, my whole mood felt sticky and heavy. It's now Sunday afternoon and I've had a good weekend, all the ingredients are there for me to feel great, but I just don't.
A little earlier today, I felt incredibly tired so I slept in the afternoon and as I was drifting off, I saw what looked like a shell around me, it was breaking and then a knew one, larger, lighter in colour, almost pearlescent, started to grow around me. It was beautiful and the previous shell started to make sense, like my world as I perceived it, was in that shell and all that was part of my life, my earth experience, was just a shell! As the shell began to break down, I could feel a sense of my old life falling away. That felt rather enjoyable, the new shell offered a different experience entirely and it was completely unfamiliar. But still, this feeling of dread and unease remains. I have a morning spiritual hygiene practice and usually that hits the spot and I feel solid and ready for the day, but not today. I feel heavy, tired and it's like something is missing or disconnected. I don't get the feeling that something is wrong, it's quite possible that I am entering into a new spiritual phase and this is the transformation unfolding. I find it's important, in fact crucial, that I don't remain with the same spiritual hygiene practice without reviewing or changing it periodically, especially when it starts to feel boring, unhelpful, disconnected or not enough, Today, it was not enough and usually my guides or Spiritual Teachers will start to drop messages or lead me to a new spiritual hygiene practice when I have outgrown the last one.

I have been focusing a lot on the Mahatma as that is the most powerful divine alignment that I have ever used and I love it so much, it's just profound. I have been working on a video tutorial for the Mahatma for a little while but I had to put it on hold whilst I created my website and then I started creating some beautiful Pellowah symbol printed clothing to sell on my online shop, so I've been a little distracted. I aim to work on the Mahatma Tutorial this week, it's really important for this information to be shared with others, it is so potent and transformational and I don't think enough people know about it. There's so many things I am working on at the same time, I have to be quite pushy with myself to ensure I focus on completing the video tutorial this week, wish me luck to get it done!
I have a lot of recurring dreams about travelling and in those dreams I am often away for months. I have found for the last 12 months or so that I have an insatiable desire to go travelling. The universe continues to repeat "Brazil" and more recently "Colombia" in every possible way to me. I have travelled to both countries before and they are two of my favourite destinations, however, I have learned that the universe can be rather cryptic with their messages and it's not always so obvious what they want me to know. They once constantly repeated "Florida" to me and I spent so much time looking up places to visit and live in Florida and I was baffled by why they wanted to me to go there. Someone told me what they thought the universe was conveying to me so I went on a deep dive learning about marine animals, the oceans of that area and how they connected to the Pacific near me and even created a meditation about it (for myself) and none of it was correct. I learned not to blindly follow someone else's interpretation of my messages from the universe as I wasted a lot of time down the wrong rabbit holes. I spent so much time trying to decipher the message and it's interpretation and really went about it in the wrong way and I never actually learned what they wanted me to know. So, what can I do differently this time. Well first all, I can ask the universe, my Guides, my Spiritual Teachers to give me more information, help me with some clues, ask more questions, like "what do you want me to know?", "what is the relevance of Brazil and Colombia?" Sure I'd love to hop on plane and go somewhere beautiful and start a huge adventure, but not only is that not really feasible, it's possible that is not their intention, so it's important I find a way to resolve the cryptic message! I'll keep the blog updated on what that is about.
On the topic of taking advice from others, I have a few things I'd like to mention. Sometimes Spirit - the Universe - the Divine, will speak through others to pass on a message. This in fact happened to me recently. I had a past life regression session with an amazing lady last year, not that long ago, so it wasn't on my mind to have another one. Additionally, I was meant to do a course last year in October to become a past life regression and Arbah practitioner, however I had my first ever experience of Covid and couldn't go and I was pretty devastated to miss that as it won't be offered again and I had been looking forward to it for over 3 months! I accepted that the universe did not want me to go for whatever reason and kept moving forward. So, about a month ago at a Pellowah share evening (where other Level 3 Pellowah teachers share attunements on each other), one of the ladies there told me I needed a past life regression, she felt this urge, guidance, to mention it to me. I was a bit surprised, I did not feel that need at all, it was not on my radar, but I respected what she told me and I took the guidance she received seriously and acted on it as I trust her. I booked myself in for a past life regression with a colleague. The session was brilliant, it was important and needed, it shifted a blockage and gave me significant context and understanding about my life. During that session, I also had an Arbah treatment, which has been life changing, I felt, up until the end of last week, absolutely amazing! So, in this instance, she was right. However, it does not mean that anything and everything that someone says, is correct. It is so important to be discerning with information. It so important to check in with yourself and ask yourself, does this feel right? Should I act on this? I have had numerous experiences lately where people I trust, people who are very much spiritually connected, have given me advice and it did absolutely nothing, in fact, it resulted in some pretty undesirable outcomes for myself and even my animals. There are times to listen to others and there are times to ensure that you are being guided by your own team and be very discerning about adopting anything that others say as true or important. So how do we know the difference? Well it's a very important question and it's a huge question, it's not a simple answer, in fact it's a lifelong journey to determine that. I'm going to keep chipping away at that topic and share more information in my blogs, so stay tuned as I uncover ways to help with discernment.
Thank you for joining me on my first ever blog. I hope it was enjoyable to read. I have promised myself to just write everything as it comes out, be direct, straight forward and say it as it is. If I am being ambiguous or private, it's because I have to. Some things I just can't mention, but when I can mention the detail, I will!
I do want to hear from you, I would love to receive questions or topic suggestions and feel free to comment about the blog. I hope you have a beautiful and wonderful week. I already feel better than when I started writing about an hour ago. Writing the blog seems to have help shift my mood!
So, thank you for reading, take care and I'll be back soon.
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