It's been exactly 2 weeks since I learned the Umana Technique. The person who walked into that class is not the same person that walked out that day. It was easily the most wonderful and brilliant class I've experienced and I loved learning this amazing new technique. The class and the technique were better than I could have anticipated. I was hoping this new modality was going to be the next level of brilliant and it superseded my expectations. Because we, as a collective, have worked to overcome and heal our previous selves, because we are pleading with the universe for change, because we are showing that we are responsible and we are ready for more, the universe has responded with a new level of abilities and upgrades. It's here, everything we have waited for, is here now. Umana gives us access to tools, skills, abilities and systems once only imagined. What does that actually mean or look like in a day-to-day existence? Firstly, in conjunction with the three platforms being introduced (bronze, silver and gold discs creating a platform over the quicksand representing the old world) coinciding with the Autumn Equinox (Spring Equinox in Northern hemisphere) on 20 March, followed by the full moon on 25 March, followed by the Solar Eclipse on 9 April (8 April in the Northen Hemisphere), we are being catapulted into a new evolutionary stage. There has never been a time prior, where consciousness on mass could achieve such incredible new heights. This explains the significant number of souls incarnating on Earth currently, drawn by the unparalleled opportunities for spiritual evolution available within a single lifetime.
As each event of the transformative trifecta unfolds, a new disc is laid atop the metaphorical quicksand, providing us with solid ground to stand on. These discs symbolize stability and progress, preventing us from sinking back into old patterns. This signifies that our efforts are now yielding greater results; we're no longer struggling to escape but are steadily ascending these platforms. This shift heralds an accessible evolutionary pathway for all who choose to engage, accompanied by the introduction of new spiritual modalities and tools designed to support our journey through this next phase of evolution.

What does Umana feel like during the session and in the days after?
During the session, people will feel and see different things. Lots of people have reported seeing their past lives. Recently when a colleague performed a remote Umana session on me, I saw an elephant and I believe I was that elephant in a past life. I also felt like I was being pulled into a portal, I could sense different dimensions, I could feel realities flowing into each other, it was surreal and profound. Then I fell asleep. It will be different for everyone, but for me, it takes about 48 hours for the process to integrate and then I start to really notice the difference in myself. Just like the hummingbirds' wings, I can now feel the processing in my brain become faster. It feels easier to manage the increasing responsibilities and events in day-to-day life. Solutions and problem solving feels more creative and intelligent. I'm sleeping well and deeply. I feel more energized and focused. I am able to achieve a great deal of work in less time and it is more advanced and efficient than I could achieve previously. During a recent Pellowah share evening (Pellowah practitioners provide attunements on each other) my partner and I discovered that Pellowah was now infiltrating the new meridian system as well and we both felt an incredible surge of Source light and activations.
My Umana colleagues and I are finding ourselves increasingly aligned in our thinking as we connect to practice the technique on each other and participate in Umana sessions, both in-person and remotely. Clarity and a greater perspective start to drive the path I want to create and then I just glide along it. Immediately following a session, there's a palpable sense of movement within; emotions surface and release, while knowledge and energy seem to broaden and deepen. Clarity prevails as the right words and approaches intuitively come to the forefront, replacing feelings of stress or worry. An unexpected yet profound change since embracing Umana is the intensified experience of music. It resonates within me with newfound depth, stirring powerful, euphoric emotions. This delightful development has only fueled my passion for this modality, as we (Umana Practitioners) witness remarkable outcomes. We're committed to monitoring and sharing our journey. If you're curious to learn more, please reach out or follow my social pages, where I enjoy sharing updates and insights on these extraordinary advancements.

Things are changing rapidly, and it's important for us to remain open to these shifts and listen to the guidance we're receiving. In my own journey, and from what I've gathered from others, we're often not given much advance notice about what's coming or changing. The Universe or Spirit shares with us what we need, exactly when we need it. The landscape is so different now, things that used to be relevant are suddenly not available anymore. For example, the Mahatma energy used to be a significant and essential part of breaking through old, dense energies and stepping into higher consciousness. It was a big part of my daily spiritual practice. I had plans to create a tutorial around it, but I kept hitting roadblocks that redirected my focus to other areas. Then, I started to feel a disconnect from this energy and found myself not reaching for it anymore. This feeling was confirmed when I got an update from the Diana Cooper School of White Light. They've made a significant change to the Teacher's Ascension Manual — the Mahatma is no longer included; it's not accessible or required anymore. It's completed its purpose. While this is incredibly exciting, it also validated what I had been feeling. The Mahatma, once a vital seventh-dimensional energy, has been succeeded. I received the latest edition of the manual and saw firsthand what Diana channeled about this change.
The golden orange 11D Energy of Regeneration from Helios has replaced previous energies, offering enhanced benefits at a higher frequency. Transmitted through the Monad for safe absorption, this energy revitalizes glands and boosts the immune system. It encourages youth, rejuvenation, and the dissolution of negative thought patterns. Additionally, it aids in developing a crystalline lightbody and activates one's full potential, aligning them with their soul's purpose. This energy not only awakens new possibilities and promotes happiness but also facilitates spiritual elevation to the 7D level and the construction of the Antakarana bridge. Moreover, it supports chakra healing and increases light quotient, assisting in personal and spiritual development. I began working with this energy yesterday during the second phase of the trifecta events of the bronze, silver and gold discs Kachina Ma'an refers to. It felt absolutely delightful and powerful and I will continue to work with it and plan to create guided spiritual meditations utilizing this powerful new energy that is available to us now as we collectively ascend.
I will only release a meditation on my YouTube channel and podcast platforms when I am fully convinced of the effectiveness and benefits of the methods, activations, and technologies involved. Therefore, I'm dedicating time to further explore the 11D Energy of Regeneration. My aim is to share this powerful experience with you all, hoping to have something transformative ready in the upcoming weeks.
I hope you found these updates as enjoyable to read as I did to write. I welcome your thoughts and feedback – if you're enjoying the blogs, please drop a comment. Your input means a lot to me!
Blessings, love and joy for us all.
Rachael xx
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