A Sacred Survival Guide: Walking with Higher Resonance

Published on 7 March 2025 at 12:59

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

Higher Resonance


We are beginning to learn and understand more about the sacred energies that we call in to walk with us each day. This is not just an abstract concept—it is an intentional practice, a morning ceremony that becomes part of our spiritual hygiene. As we cleanse and prepare ourselves energetically, we also invite those who are meant to walk with us, merging with their presence so that we no longer move through the world as isolated individuals, but as luminous prisms of light. This is the new way of being—a shift we will come to fully understand in the time beyond the March Equinox 2025.


Transitioning to Higher Resonance: The Role of Ceremony

How do we begin to transition towards existing at a higher resonance? How do we become beings of expanded consciousness, of greater light? The answer lies in ritual and ceremony—but not necessarily in the way it has been done before. Much of the ritual and ceremony we have known on this earth has been centred around specific ages, marriage, death, plant medicines, celestial events, and the cycles of the moon . While these have been powerful, what is coming now is something different: ceremonies and rituals that are deeply personal, aligned with our own rites of passage, life stages, and sacred embodiment. This is a transition into a way of being where we learn to call in not only celestial and sacred bodies but also the sacred vessels of wisdom within ourselves. We are being invited to embody the qualities and virtues of higher consciousness—not as something external, but as something fully integrated into who we are.


Embodying Sacred Roles: A Daily Practice

This is not something to wait for. We can start these practices now. I already have. Each day, I have been calling in the sacred mother, the sacred father, the sacred grandmothers, the sacred grandfathers—and also stepping into the embodiment of the sacred mother myself for my son. With every invocation, I feel a shift. I already feel very different. There is a sense of wholeness, of completeness, of stepping into a much fuller and more expansive version of myself. I feel like a prism of light, emanating from a more complete and greater light vessel. And this is just the beginning. When we call in these energies, we are not only receiving their guidance—we are integrating their essence, becoming the embodiment of their wisdom and virtues in our own lives.


The Way Forward

This is how we move into the next phase of our evolution. This is how we shift the way we walk in the world—not as fragmented individuals struggling alone, but as luminous beings carrying the wisdom of those who walk with us. We can begin now. We can step into these sacred roles today. And as we do, we will not only transform our own experience—we will become the vessels of light that illuminate the way for others.

The Importance of Calling in Support: We Are Not Meant to Walk Alone

In times of transition, especially ones as intense as the period we are moving through now, it is essential to remember that no single individual is meant to carry the weight of this journey alone. The energies we are being asked to integrate, the shifts we are undergoing—these are not things we are meant to navigate in isolation. That is why calling in support, invoking the presence of sacred energies, is not just beneficial—it is necessary. When we call in sacred energies, we are acknowledging the interconnected nature of existence. We are recognizing that wisdom, guidance, and strength are not things we must create from nothing—they already exist, waiting to be invited in. This is the fundamental truth of the path ahead: we do not walk it alone.


A New Form of Strength: Merging with the Sacred

We have been conditioned to think of strength as an individual pursuit, something to be built within ourselves alone. But the true strength that we are being asked to cultivate now comes from merging—merging with higher consciousness, merging with sacred energies, merging with the wisdom of those who came before us.

This is why these morning ceremonies, these sacred invitations, are so powerful. Each time we invite in the sacred father, the sacred mother, the sacred grandmothers and grandfathers, we are not just receiving their energy—we are merging with it, integrating it into our own being. We become more than just ourselves. We become a vessel for these higher energies to move through. And as we do, we start to experience the world differently.

  • We walk with more clarity.
  • We carry more love.
  • We embody more wisdom.

And through this, we become an anchor for others.


Honoring the Stages of Life: A Blueprint for the Future

As we deepen into these practices, we also begin to recognize something crucial—there is a sacred structure to human life that has been forgotten or overlooked. For so long, we have moved through life without clear rites of passage, without a collective understanding of the transitions from one stage to the next.

But in remembering the importance of sacred roles—grandparents, parents, elders, guides, mentors, teachers, students—we are also remembering the natural order of human existence:

  • We are meant to move through stages.
  • We are meant to grow into wisdom.
  • We are meant to pass that wisdom on.

By reclaiming these roles, we are not just healing ourselves; we are laying the foundation for something greater. We are planting the seeds for a future where these rites of passage are honoured once again, where young people grow up with the guidance they need, and where each person knows their place in the great unfolding of life.

Calling in the Sacred Grandparents: Understanding Their Role

When we talk about calling in these sacred energies, what exactly are we inviting in? Just as in physical life, we each have two grandmothers and two grandfathers. When we invoke the sacred grandmother and grandfather energies, we are not simply calling in personal ancestors, but the full embodiment of these rolesarchetypal energies that carry ancient wisdom, protection, and support. They are codes, frequencies that, when merged with, allow us to step into a fuller version of ourselves.


To navigate this life as fully realized beings, we must understand that no person is meant to do this alone. The evolutionary path of humanity is not one of isolated self-discovery—it is about learning to walk with many energies, embodiments, and guides. This is how we come to know what it means to be truly human in our highest, most realized form. When these energies walk with us, we become an incredible prism of light, activating channels that grant us access to divine wisdom. These channels do more than bring guidance—they expand our capacity to receive what is unseen and unknown. They connect us to realms beyond our immediate perception, including the inner worlds of Earth, the vast intelligence of the universe, and higher realms of consciousness.


These are codes, not just ideas. They become portals, expanding and refining our energy field so that we can hold more light, more wisdom, and more divine activation. As we embody these energies, our energy centres mature, allowing us access to even greater portals where activations, communications, gifts, skills, and knowledge begin to unfold. This is what we are only just beginning to understand.


The Sacred Role of Grandparents vs. Parents

To understand why these energies are so essential, we must look at the distinct role that sacred grandparents play. Parents, by their nature, are teachers. They guide, correct, and shape us through lessons, boundaries, and discipline. They hold the responsibility of preparing us for the world and all it's demands. Grandparents, however, embody a different teaching style—one rooted in presence, encouragement, unconditional love, and gentle wisdom. They do not teach through correction—they teach through embodiment. 


Grandparents offer love in its purest form, free of expectation, free of the structured responsibilities that come with parenting. Through them, we learn reverence for elders, for human life, and for the full journey of existence. We witness the fragility of life in their aging bodies, but we also see the beauty, the depth of experience, endurance and the wisdom they carry.


This is why the sacred grandparent energy is so powerful. Even if our physical grandparents did not embody this wisdom, we can still call in the highest version of these energies—the divine grandmother and grandfather, the ones who offer guidance not through words, but through presence. When we call them in, we are not just receiving support—we are learning to become them, and when the time is right, stepping into these sacred roles for others as we grow into our own wisdom. By calling in and embodying these energies, we begin to understand the natural transitions of life. We recognize the stages that we ourselves will pass through. We start to hold and respect these roles as sacred, rather than moving through life without acknowledgment of the greater structure of human existence.


Expanding the Circle: Calling in Sacred Animal Guides

Another crucial layer to this practice is the invitation of sacred animal energies to walk with us. This is something we are only beginning to explore, and it may hold even more significance than we have previously understood. For many, the idea of a spirit animal is familiar—an animal guide that offers wisdom, protection, and insight along the journey. However, what is emerging now seems to go beyond what we have previously experienced.


During a recent channeled session, I received insight that expands our understanding of this connection. This information suggests that sacred animals do not just guide us—they merge with us, becoming part of the prism of light that we are building. Just as we call in the sacred grandmother and grandfather, we can also call in the sacred animal that is aligned with us at this time.


This is not a passive process. These energies are actively supporting us, guiding us, and helping us attune to the natural world in ways we may not yet fully understand. They carry their own set of codes and wisdom, assisting in the opening of additional portals—portals that allow us to connect more deeply with Earth, with elemental forces, and with the hidden intelligence of nature itself.


A Sacred Practice for Inviting Support

This is something that can be done simply, yet powerfully.

  1. Begin with your breath. Close your eyes and centre yourself in your heart.
  2. Call in the sacred grandmothers to stand behind you on the left. Feel their presence, their wisdom, and their unconditional love.
  3. Call in the Sacred grandfathers to stand behind you on the right. Feel their presence, their wisdom, and their unconditional love.
  4. Ask them to merge with you and walk with you today. Allow their sacred wisdom to integrate into your energy field.
  5. Then, ask: Who else is ready to walk with me? This could be an ancestor, a higher guide, an unseen presence waiting to offer support. Ask them to merge with you walk with you today. 
  6. Finally, ask for the sacred animal that is aligned with you now to step forward. Observe what comes through—whether it is a familiar guide or something new. Ask them to merge with you walk with you today. 

This simple practice is one of the most important things we can do right now. It is a recognition that we are not alone, that we are walking with many, and that by calling in and merging with these energies, we step into a greater, more complete version of ourselves.

Rites of Passage

Invoking the Sacred Grandparents: A Rite of Passage

This process of calling in grandparents and other energies also helps us recognize that one day, we may fill these roles ourselves—whether as literal grandparents or as wisdom keepers for our communities. It reminds us that life is cyclical, structured around transitions, and that our growth prepares us to support others.

Grandparents hold a unique and irreplaceable place in our collective memory. They embody love, often without the pressure or discipline required of parents. Through them, we learn reverence for human life at all its stagesthe fragility of aging bodies, the wisdom forged through decades of experience, the gentle compassion that can only come with time. Even if our physical grandparents could not fully provide these virtues, the sacred archetype remains available to be called upon, and ultimately embodied within ourselves.


"Because one day, it will be our turn. Whether we are grandparents to our direct descendants or spiritual grandparents to the world, we will be the ones holding wisdom for others."


The Way Forward: Becoming the Full Prism of Light

We are not just evolving as individuals—we are evolving as a collective consciousness. Each time we integrate these energies, we expand what is possible for all.

  • We are becoming more than what we once were.
  • We are remembering what it means to be fully human.
  • We are stepping into a new way of being.

And as we do, we become the prism of light through which divine wisdom flows—not just for ourselves, but for all those who will follow.


Grandparents Hold a Unique and Irreplaceable Place

Grandparents hold a unique and irreplaceable place in our lives. Their love is unlike that of parents—it is softer, wiser, and filled with a depth that comes from having lived through so much. They offer us a connection to something greater than ourselves, a lineage of experiences that shape the very fabric of who we are. But often, we don’t fully appreciate them until they’re gone. It’s after they pass that we begin to uncover their stories, piecing together the details of their lives, seeing them not just as the elders we once knew, but as full, complex individuals who endured, grew, and carried their own triumphs and burdens. In that discovery, something profound happens: we develop a deeper empathy, an understanding that expands far beyond them, shaping how we see all people and all relationships.


It is through this process that we gain inspiration for our own lives. We begin to see life’s unfolding as something vast and interconnected, not just a series of personal struggles but a continuation of wisdom, growth, and transformation. Grandparents are the bridge to that understanding, the key to our ancestral connection, the ones who help us see the world through a different lens. And yet, not everyone has had grandparents who embodied these sacred virtues. Some may have fallen short of what it means to be a true elder, to hold wisdom, to nurture with love. But that does not mean we cannot call in the essence of what a grandparent is meant to be.


Who Else Wants to Walk With You? Calling in More Support

As you deepen this practice, continue to ask: “Who else wants to walk with me?” You might be surprised at how many energies, ancestors, and guides are ready to support you. This is one of the most vital things we can do as we move through the final moments leading up to and beyond the March 2025 Equinox. We do not have to rely solely on our own strength. The collective wisdom of those who have gone before—and of the spiritual allies who surround us—is immense.


Reshaping the World: The New Foundations of Humanity

This work is not just about spiritual survival in times of intensity; it is about laying the foundation for a new era. The ceremonies and invitations we make today will shape how humanity collectively moves forward. As we continue calling in these sacred energies and embodying them in daily life, we are redefining what it means to be human in a world undergoing rapid transformation.

  • We are not just isolated individuals but part of a vast network of guides, ancestors, and energies.
  • We are remembering the power of rites of passage, stages of life that deserve honour and recognition.
  • We are stepping into roles that allow us to become keepers of wisdom for future generations.

This is how the phoenix rises from the ashes: through steady, intentional acts of remembering and embodying who we truly are.


Becoming the Prism of Light

Each step we take to call in these energies—grandparents, sacred animals, ancestral guides—brings us closer to our fuller, more radiant selves. We move through the world not as fragmented individuals, but as luminous prisms of light. In doing so, we become the vessels through which divine wisdom flows, not just for ourselves but for everyone whose path we illuminate. This is how we move into the next phase of our evolution: by honoring the sacred roles, by acknowledging our interconnectedness, and by standing as beacons of light for a world on the brink of profound transformation.

What Comes Next? Stay Tuned.

I have been working with these energies for some time, but my practice has deepened and evolved. There is a lot more unfolding, and I will be sharing the next stages in the coming weeks.


If you are interested in exploring this further, I am in the early stages of organising events—some online, some in person—where we will work with these activations together. More details will be announced soon.


For now, start this process gradually and enjoy each step. This is not something to rush. Every stage of this journey holds its own beauty and profound transformation.


If this resonates with you, be sure to check the related reading below—the context is important, and it will deepen your understanding of this work.


Stay tuned. There is more to come.


Related reading:

Parenting Beyond Independence: A Sacred Journey

From Survival to Sacred: The Path to Embodying the Divine Feminine


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