Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

Trusting the Universe Completely
Sometimes, the guidance we receive from the universe makes absolutely no sense. But I have learned to trust it anyway. Let me give you an example:
I was on my way to a very special night, something I had been really looking forward to within my spiritual community. While driving, I got this very clear, undeniable nudge to move into the left lane. It was strong, insistent—one of those messages that you don’t question if you’re listening. So I moved. And, as I suspected, it led to nothing that I could see immediately. The lane I was in barely moved, while the one I had just left flowed smoothly through the lights. Had I stayed where I was, I would have made it through easily. Instead, I was delayed.
But I trust. Even when it doesn’t make sense. Even when it feels like I just wasted time. Because this is how it is for me in everything. Sometimes, you’re in the middle of a conversation, and something shifts unexpectedly. Sometimes, you’re heading in one direction, and suddenly, all progress halts. Sometimes, you’re in a situation that turns uncomfortable or even upsetting when all you wanted was to enjoy yourself. I have learned to trust it all.
Everything is guidance. Everything is an opportunity to grow, to learn, to understand, to expand. Even on the hardest days—especially on the hardest days—I hold this perspective. When something doesn’t go my way, I take a moment to reflect:
What is this showing me? What do I need to see? How can I use this moment to grow?
I don’t believe in endlessly analyzing life, trying to decode every single experience into some grand message. It’s not about chasing meaning or questioning the divine’s intent. It’s about listening to the nudges, following the whispers, and allowing yourself to move fluidly with what is being asked of you. It’s about staying as much in alignment with your divine self as possible, rather than getting lost in the limitations of your day-to-day human self.
I also want to acknowledge something important. People often say, "God won’t give you more than you can handle." I don’t like that phrase. I’ve been on the receiving end of more than I could handle many, many times. Life has been exceptionally challenging, and at times, unbearably difficult. To hear that kind of statement doesn’t bring comfort—it dismisses the reality of struggle. But here’s what I do believe:
Everything is for my benefit—if I choose to see it that way.
Every experience holds something for me. Not because it’s “meant to be” or because suffering is required for growth, but because I choose to extract something valuable from it. Because I choose to trust that I am always loved, always supported, even when it doesn’t feel that way. So, when things don’t go my way—when they stop, delay, shift, or break—I don’t let it take me down. I take a breath. I observe. I ask:
"What am I being shown?"
And I trust.
Because everything is always working out. Even when I can’t see how.

A Beautiful and Unexpected Shift
What’s coming through for me at the moment is actually really beautiful energy—much to my surprise. I had assumed—and I mean, truly assumed—that we would continue to be pummeled right up until the equinox. I wasn’t given that guidance. No one has been given that guidance. As far as I know, there’s been no insight, no foresight, nothing about what to expect—very much on purpose.
We’re all living moment by moment, receiving an immense amount of guidance in the now, but absolutely nothing about what’s ahead. Yet, I still made an assumption. I assumed we were in for another five weeks of struggle. That the energy would remain dense, relentless, and difficult. That we’d just have to endure it. And up until recently, that’s exactly how it felt—intense, heavy, and honestly, quite terrifying. I had fully resigned myself to just getting through it.
Then, all of a sudden—it lifted. And what I feel now? It’s incredible. It’s like a wave of energy from the other side of the equinox has reached out to me—holding me, embracing me, caressing me, loving me—and it is beautiful. This is bliss. I feel amazing.
My body, which normally carries health challenges, feels clear. There is a lightness, a softness, an ease that I wasn’t expecting. What this shows me—so clearly—is that sometimes, it’s a gift to not know what’s coming. Because if I had known, maybe I wouldn’t have appreciated the contrast so much. Maybe I wouldn’t have experienced the pure joy of being pleasantly surprised.
Right now, I am absolutely taking advantage of this energy. I’m enjoying it. I’m spending this time wisely. I know I’m not the only one feeling it—someone else posted about it today, and the moment I saw it, I thought, Yes. That’s exactly it. Honouring Your Energy Right Now.
If you’re reading this and you’re not feeling great—if the energy is still heavy, difficult, or relentless—I just want to take a moment to acknowledge that. I know that hearing someone say, "I feel amazing," when you’re struggling can be upsetting, maybe even triggering. And I apologise if that’s the case for you. Honestly, I haven’t spoken to many people about how they’re feeling yet, because this shift for me is still so new. I don’t know if others are experiencing it too, or if it’s unique to where I am right now.
It’s highly possible that my experience is connected to the Umana teacher training course I did on Saturday. The energy that day was extraordinary—euphoric, even. Then, the following week, I did a Level 2 Umana attunement swap with a friend, outside in nature, in a beautiful park. Since then, I have just been floating. I feel expanded, blissful, deeply connected.
Maybe others are feeling this too. Maybe it’s something else entirely. It doesn’t matter, because the why isn’t important. What matters is that it’s happening, and that’s amazing. Especially after such a long and heavy downpour of difficult and heavy energy.
What’s the insight coming through right now? Be incredibly mindful of what energy, people, and environments you expose yourself to. Even those who are normally positive, aligned, and supportive of your energy—right now, even that might be something to step back from partially. At the moment, sensitivity is heightened. If you’ve been given the gift of this balanced, centered, and expansive energy, you’ll want to protect it. Others are going through their own surges, their own shifts, and even unintentional energy exchanges could be disruptive while integrating this beautiful gift.
Wisdom, light, expansion, divine guidance—is coming through if you can remain in this space. I don’t know what it is yet. But I do know that maintaining this stillness, this sacred space, is key. I know I’m not the only one receiving this message. Someone else shared something similar today, and the moment I read it, I thought, Yes. That’s exactly what I’m feeling too.
So if you’re in this energy—honour it. Let it flow through you. If you’re still in the density—know that shifts happen when you least expect them. Nothing stays the same forever. So if you’re still in the density, still feeling the weight of things, I see you. I’ve been there. I promise you—things can shift in an instant. And when they do, let yourself receive it and just flow.
Once you have fully integrated this new energy, the time will come to share this light with the world. We are like a beautiful flower, spreading these radiant seeds of light all around us. People, animals, and nature will come to us, drawn in to pollinate and carry these seeds far and wide.

You Are Your Own Lantern
I’ve been working on a few things lately—things I would love to share. But I don’t know how or where I’ll share them yet. I’m being guided not to share them right now. So I trust that. The time isn’t right. People are distracted, focused on their own processes. And that’s okay. Because what’s coming through—what I’ve been calling in and working with—is beautiful, and I know that when the time is right, I’ll share it in the way it’s meant to be received.
Right now, what feels crucial is this:
You have to listen to yourself.
We are always receiving guidance. From our soul. From spirit. From the universe. From our team, our guides. It’s always there. But we don’t always listen. And lately, I’ve had such a strong awareness of something that keeps happening—not just to me, but to many of us. We listen to someone else. We assume they have a clearer connection, a better access point to the universe, so we hold onto their words. We wait for what they’ve predicted or said will happen. And in doing so, we miss what is right in front of us. We miss our own guidance.
We miss the messages coming directly to us because we’re too focused on what someone else has said. And often, that message wasn’t even meant for us in the first place. This is why it is absolutely essential that you listen to yourself first. Yes, listen to others—there’s value in wisdom shared. But always bring it back to yourself. Listen to yourself first. Listen to someone else second. And then return to yourself third.
You are your own lantern. You don’t need to chase someone else’s light—whether it’s beside you, ahead of you, or behind you. Your lantern, your light, is as bright and as guiding as anyone else’s is for them. Let it shine. Because when you allow your light to expand, that in itself is a gift. It's medicine and guidance for all those
around you who don't yet have lanterns, or their fog is so thick, their light isn't yet bright enough. Trust it and trust yourself.
Tending to Your Own Lantern
The most important thing you can focus on right now is your own lantern. That means ensuring that your channel—your connection to your soul, to spirit, to the universe—is balanced, relaxed, and nurtured. Because that’s how you receive. That’s how you feel the guidance that is meant for you.
And just remember this:
When you think of someone, something, a situation, a memory—you are instantly bringing that energy into you.
It happens in a moment. The truth is, you don’t need to do that. It’s not always helpful. It’s not always necessary. The more time you can spend simply being—being a vessel of light, being a human who feels—the more you will find yourself balanced, supported, and fully experiencing this opportunity for expanded light and expanded consciousness.
But if you spend too much time thinking—too much time analyzing, too much time trying to gain knowledge and understanding—you pull yourself away from that centered place. You pull yourself away from your own expansion. You dull the openness that allows guidance to come through. Thinking is overrated. Yes, it’s useful. But not all the time.
We’ve been conditioned to believe that we should constantly be using our brains, that the mind should always be engaged. But I don’t agree with that at all. Because when you overrun one machine at the expense of all the others, you limit yourself. You have so much more at your disposal. Your body. Your intuition. Your energy. Your light.
Thinking is one process. But it is not the only one. Right now, the real wisdom is in learning how to step back from the mind and into the fullness of who you really are.

Anchoring First, Expanding Second
Let there be a balance—a beautiful, equal balance—between the physical, the emotional (for feeling), the mental, the spiritual, and then the divine—divine light.
These are your energy and light bodies. And energy moves through them in that order. If you begin to live in a more balanced way—if you start to nurture all of these aspects of yourself equally—you will feel the expansion, the groundedness, the deep anchoring into the earth that allows true elevation to happen.
Actually, let’s take it one step further. It doesn’t start with the physical body, it starts with anchoring into the earth. Before anything else, anchor into the earth and ground yourself. A friend of mine said something so powerful the other day:
"Your foundation needs to be exceptionally strong and huge if you want to travel as high as you dream of going."
Everyone wants to go high—into deep light expansion, high vibration, pure divine connection. But so many forget the importance of the foundation beneath them. They don’t realise that the strength and enormity of their roots directly determine how high they can reach. This was shared with me just last Friday, after we did the Umana attunement swap, and I have to say—he’s absolutely right.
Your first priority should be anchoring yourself deeply into Pachamama. Then, and only then, move through your physical body, your emotional body, your mental body, your spiritual body, your light bodies, and finally, the divine body. In that order. If you can bring balance to these experiences—if you can utilise all of these tools at your disposal—then you will find yourself stepping into something extraordinary. Something strong. Something advanced. Something that feels like walking on air, completely in flow, deeply connected to the universe.
That, I believe, is what so many of us are seeking. It’s a simple way to look at it, but simplicity is where the divine resides. The moment something becomes complicated, you know straight away—it’s not divine.
This is the insight coming through right now. Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for joining me.
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