Estimated Reading Time: Approximately 2 minutes

Many of us are experiencing a fog that feels relentless, filled with distractions and challenges. It’s as if there’s an invisible weight trying to separate us from our connection to Source, to our divinity, to the higher guidance we rely on. This fog can make it feel as if the pathway forward is clouded, as if that connection we cherish so deeply has been cut off. But remember—it's just fog. No matter how thick it seems, the light within and around us is always there, unwavering.
In these times, it might be harder to feel or hear that guidance, but it’s still there, trying so hard to reach you. The smallest sign or a gentle nudge of intuition can be a lifeline—follow it, no matter how subtle, and you’ll find that instant connection, a reassurance that you’re on the aligned path.
These times may be the most challenging we’ve ever faced. There used to be a rhythm to these cycles: a challenge, followed by a period of rest and joy. But right now, for so many of us, it feels constant—one test barely ends before the next begins. And whether we like it or not, these tests keep coming. Embracing that truth, without resistance, is crucial.
Why is this happening? It’s multi-layered. We’re being cracked open to hold even more light, breaking through stubborn layers that once kept us safe but now only block our growth. As light workers, there are forces actively working to distract and challenge us, to keep us from the beautiful work we're doing—especially as we lead up to the March Equinox. At the same time, we’re clearing old karmic cycles, preparing for a huge leap in evolution that awaits those who have been tirelessly working towards the light.
As we approach this tipping point, remember that you’re not alone. Every small act you take to clear the fog, every moment you lean on another, and every choice to keep going is immense. We have four crucial months ahead—keep working, keep supporting each other, and trust that you are exactly where you need to be. Be proud of yourself, keep going, and know that you are part of something powerful.
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